This is my inspiration. This wall of organization! This is the way I want to live. I have done the footwork, the planning, the construction, and have enjoyed the appreciation of the accomplishment. The interesting part that I didn't count on was the constant work involved in keeping things this way.
It is a process that has to become habit. I know how wonderful this is and it works for this application.
AND I can achieve this in other spaces in my house, but the sewing room (hole) is a different story.
I have a very small space, right in the middle of the house where everything gets "dumped". It is the "out of sight, out of mind" area. There are no windows, just one door. It appears that I need to give this area more respect. To change it into my space for creativity. I want to sew more, I feel the need to sew more, but first I have to once again, take care of my space.
Time to weed out the things I know I won't do and the things I won't use again. I have a busy couple of weeks ahead, but hopefully there will be some progress in there as well.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Last week I had the pleasure of a three day escape to the Oregon Coast. There is something so mysterious about getting away. The time goes so quickly, much faster than if you are home doing your normal routine. If the anticipation wasn't so enjoyable one would really wonder if it was just a blink.
For three days I didn't cook, do laundry, answer the phone, relay messages, run errands or anything else that I wasn't sure I wanted to do.
What I did do was sew, share, and reflect. I finished three quilts that I had started, and now they are done. Made one more from start to finish and now I just have the quilting part to do and the memories to keep. I go with a good friend who seem to be able to relate to my crazy life. She has worked in the quilting industry, understands the process from both sides of the counter, she is married, has daughters, grandchildren, a mom and me. We neither one have a siblings, so she is my sister friend.
I see women come in the shop who belong to groups and the bonds they have with friends is strong, and valuable. The
have relationships that are gifts. I have been fortunate to cultivate some very special friends from the shop. Strong, smart and incredibly talented women they too are gifts.
So today, the first day of my 59th year I am grateful for all the women in my life. The older ones who share their experience and wisdom, who have been there and done that. The ones who are in my similar situation, working, fighting their daily drama, and sharing along the way. And the precious ones who are younger, have great creativity and enthusiasm for all of life still ahead of them.
It is my wish for this year that I live and love more than before. I want people to know what they mean to me. And I want to make the most of each day.
Going to go with Ellen's kind to one another....
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Summer Sewing
Summer is such a busy time of the year for people, we have so many things that we want to do, and then there is the added work from caring for the out of doors. I do love my flowers, but they do demand daily attention.
But, I really feel like I need to stay in touch with my quilting, I need to be able to create something during this busy time. In the course of a conversation with a friend she was saying the same thing. We needed a summer, sewing project, perhaps a commitment. From that conversation we are going to start a Sister's Summer Sewing Spectacular!
If every day from June 1st thru August 31 you made a nine patch block, you could spend Labor Day weekend putting together the fruit of your summer sewing. In fact you probably wouldn't have to do one every day, you may choose to do five one day and that's it for the week, but still at the end of summer you would have a great project to show for your time.
Now of course I tend to be excessive compulsive at times and I think how I could do a nine patch AND I could paper piece a flower every day so I could have two quilts. We will see how that goes.
In preparation for this project I will make a hand out with some picture ideas of nine patch quilts to help get your creative juices flowing. At the end of summer, those who have participated will get a coupon for savings on batting and backing for their quilts, AND their name will go into a drawing for a super gift basket. Join the fun.

But, I really feel like I need to stay in touch with my quilting, I need to be able to create something during this busy time. In the course of a conversation with a friend she was saying the same thing. We needed a summer, sewing project, perhaps a commitment. From that conversation we are going to start a Sister's Summer Sewing Spectacular!
If every day from June 1st thru August 31 you made a nine patch block, you could spend Labor Day weekend putting together the fruit of your summer sewing. In fact you probably wouldn't have to do one every day, you may choose to do five one day and that's it for the week, but still at the end of summer you would have a great project to show for your time.
Now of course I tend to be excessive compulsive at times and I think how I could do a nine patch AND I could paper piece a flower every day so I could have two quilts. We will see how that goes.
In preparation for this project I will make a hand out with some picture ideas of nine patch quilts to help get your creative juices flowing. At the end of summer, those who have participated will get a coupon for savings on batting and backing for their quilts, AND their name will go into a drawing for a super gift basket. Join the fun.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
What's new?
So many times someone will ask, "how are you" and I say "same as always". Not trying to be flippant, but lots of times it feels like my life is pretty much the same, day in, day out, nothing changes. I do the same job, wear the same clothes, live in the same house, married to the same guy. Not a big traveler, very content with life, which could lead one to feel boring.
But there are changes in our lives, even if they are very subtle.
So, my top ten changes in the last year. Letterman style.
10. I have a new cat named Fred. He is my challenge child.
9. Have learned a new appreciation for summer. Being a farmer's wife, summer used to be difficult for me. Everyone else went on vacation, we worked, and we worked long and hard. I got over it, it's what we do.
8. I am living the organized life I have always dreamed of, with the exception of the desk. Haven't conquered that one yet, but I still keep trying.
7. A Garmin, when traveling with a man, is a good thing.
6. My pants are two sizes smaller.
5. I have learned that you can't quit trying to do your best job until you quit your job. You can however hire good help!
4. With determination and sweat, you can do things you thought were impossible.
3. We celebrated 35 years of marriage. I used to tell Dan I wanted to be married to him for 50 years. Fifty years used to seem like forever, now I tell him that I want to be married to him forever. Fifty years may not be enough.
2. We have a new grandson, Little baby Henry born in December. Four grandsons after raising two daughters is a big eyeopener!
1. And the number one thing that has changed in the last year is that I have figured out how short life is. Dr. Phil says there is no reality, only perception. Well the reality is that I need to make more of my days, and my perception is that they are all much more of a gift than I thought.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Quilting My Own Sunshine!
So, with the addition of the beautiful new spring Westminster line of fabrics that I get to look at when I am at the shop, the decision was made that I could bring that same sunshine into my home and quilting project.
This is a paper piecing project that perhaps won't get finished in a couple of weeks, but it will carry summer sun and bright color and pattern with me while I work on it.
For those of you who have never tried English Paper Piecing, it is a great take along, sit at the ball game, watch TV, and hopefully sit on the deck in the sun kind of a project.
These are big pieces and I am just loving the color and patterns of the fabrics. Join me, I challenge you to jump in and start your own garden quilt.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Color one way or another......

It is so pretty! There is nothing nicer on a gray, dreary day that a beautiful new wall of brilliant color. Our new Kaffe collection is in place and it is just so amazing. It looks like a rainbow!
We hear a lot of people say things like how do you use some of these big prints...... well the fun part is that you just use them. Don't worry about the patterns, it is all about the colors. This is the time that you let the fabric do the work in the quilt, perfect for patterns with larger pieces. That being said, they can also be cut up and add so much interest to your project.
I admit these are sometimes challenging for me as I started quilting at a time when everything was planned, and now am moving into a more free and easy style of piecing it all together. It is fun to do something out of our comfort zone that turns out so stunning.
Stop in and get a splash of color for your life!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Through the years.....
Thirty years, a life, a dream, and the reality of the quilt shop. I never thought this would happen, I never dreamed it, it just never entered my mind.
I married a third generation farmer. Farmers live season to season, never really going beyond the work that needs to be done now. I have come to appreciate that philosophy and try to make the most of every experience life has given me. Decisions are made on past performance with a little hope thrown in. With all that in mind we have grown from a small shop in a tiny house started with forty bolts of fabric. We have grown, moved into our third and final location, with 11,000+ bolts of fabric.
It never really occurred to me what an accomplishment this was, there were so many others along the way. Graduations, weddings, babies, life changes of all kinds. Now I always feel that my wedding anniversary is a big deal. I believe they should be celebrated wholeheartedly. There has been lots of up's and downs, regaining health, new knees and lots of hard work along the way. Many lessons learned along the way.
But to think that I have worked retail for so much of my life is starting to feel like a big deal as well.
In thirty years I have shared the joys of upcoming weddings, new homes, retirements, and grand babies. I have had the pain of listening to the stories of families suffering, lost loved ones, and had my own pain in losing dear quilting friends who inspired me to be a better person.
There is no way I could ever imagine my life without the women I work with, they are all very inspirational, supportive, and I am so thankful to call them my friends.
It has been quite the journey, there were days I didn't think I could do it anymore, and days that I could hardly wait to go back. I have the greatest honor in the world, a supportive family, great friends and a place to work where I can share the joy of quilting with all of you.
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