Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What's new?

So many times someone will ask, "how are  you" and I say "same as always".  Not trying to be flippant, but lots of times it feels like my life is pretty much the same, day in, day out, nothing changes.  I do the same job, wear the same clothes, live in the same house, married to the same guy.  Not a big traveler, very content with life, which could lead one to feel boring.

But there are changes in our lives, even if they are very subtle.  

So, my top ten changes in the last year. Letterman style.

10.  I have a new cat named Fred.  He is my challenge child.

9.    Have learned a new appreciation for summer.  Being a farmer's wife, summer used to be difficult for me.  Everyone else went on vacation, we worked, and we worked long and hard.  I got over it, it's what we do.

8.    I am living the organized life I have always dreamed of, with the exception of the desk.  Haven't conquered that one yet, but I still keep trying.

7.    A Garmin, when traveling with a man, is a good thing.  

6.    My pants are two sizes smaller.

5.   I have learned that you can't quit trying to do your best job until you quit your job. You can however hire good help!

4.    With determination and sweat, you can do things you thought were impossible.  

3.   We celebrated 35 years of marriage.  I used to tell Dan I wanted to be married to him for 50 years.   Fifty years used to seem like forever, now I tell him that I want to be married to him forever.  Fifty years may not be enough.

2.    We have a new grandson, Little baby Henry born in December.   Four grandsons after raising two daughters is a big eyeopener!  

1.    And the number one thing that has changed in the last year is that I have figured out how short life is.  Dr. Phil says there is no reality, only perception.  Well the reality is that I need to make more of my days, and my perception is that they are all much more of a gift than I thought.

1 comment:

  1. Good top ten.....makes you stop and think which of course is a good thing as well. Sorry I missed this till now but one of my top ten would be of course "better late than never!"
